The Rope and the Elephant - Kahinju SSS OBS & OGS

The Rope and the Elephant

A guy was walking by an elephant when he suddenly stopped, perplexed because the elephant, which was so large, was only restrained by a short small rope that was fastened to his leg. No cages or chains were present. The elephant could have easily broken free from this rope at any point, but for some reason, it chose not to.

When he noticed a trainer not far away, he inquired as to why the elephant did nothing more than stand there. The trainer responded, “Well, we tie them with the same size rope when they are very young and much smaller, and at that age, it’s enough to hold them.” They are taught as they become older that they are incapable of escaping.

They never attempt to get free because they think the rope can still hold them.

The man was amazed. This elephant could at any time break free from it’s rope but because it believed it couldn’t, it was stuck to that staked rope.

How many of us, like this elephant, spend our entire lives clinging to the idea that we are incapable of doing anything because we have failed at it in the past?

A vital component of learning is failure; we should never give up on our struggles in life.

The lesson of the tale is that we can’t realize our full potential if we have limiting beliefs. Our past experiences or beliefs may have conditioned us to think that we are incapable of achieving a goal, yet we may actually be more capable.

than we believe. We can accomplish amazing things if we challenge ourselves and break free from our restricting beliefs.

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