The Garden of Beans (Humor) - Kahinju SSS OBS & OGS

The Garden of Beans (Humor)

An elderly man lived by himself. Although it was a laborious task, he desired to cultivate his beans garden. The only son he had that could have assisted him was incarcerated/imprisoned.

In a letter to his son, the elderly man described his situation.

Greetings, Son

It appears that I won’t be able to plant my bean garden this year, which makes me feel quite horrible. I regret not being able to work in the garden, as your mother used to enjoy planting season. Simply put, I’m growing too old to be tilling up a garden bed. All of my problems would be solved if you were here.

If you weren’t incarcerated, I’m sure you would uncover the conspiracy for me.

adore, Father

The elderly man soon after receiving the telegram, “For Heaven’s sake, Dad, don’t dig up the garden!” its Where I buried the GUNS!

The following morning at 4 A.M., a dozen of FBI agents and local police officers arrived and proceeded to dig through the entire garden in search of firearms. The elderly guy was so confused that he sent his son another note explaining what had transpired and asking him to decide what to do next.

In response, his son said, “Dad, go ahead and plant your beans. This is the best I could do for you.”

The Humorous Bean Garden.

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